Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

At the start of a new year I always like to look back at my journals from the past year and see how far I've come, where God has taken me, and what I have learned. The problem with this year is that I can't find my journal from the first part of the year! I have one more place I can look, and I will...I'll keep you posted. Here are some highlights from the year:

January: Started my Deaf Ed student teaching...2nd grade at Michigan School for the Deaf...LOVED IT.

February (i think...): Settled on a church in Swartz Creek and finally felt "at home" at church.

March: Continued student teaching, taking more responsibility in the classroom. Finished the rainforest unit with my students.

April: Finished my internship year and left MSU!

May: substitute taught and applied for jobs all over the midwest/east coast. Christian had a rough patch after his feeding tube surgery.

June: Interviewed and accepted a job at VSDB. Stood up in a wedding for two dear friends in Baltimore. Visited my friends on the east coast and visited the school. Moved back to my parents' house for the summer.

July: hosted two wedding showers for my sister and a bachelorette party. Attended another bridal shower for a dear friend from home.

August: Moved to Staunton, VA. Started my first real teaching job. Found an apartment.

September: Stood up in a wedding of two dear friends from home (in Illinois...on the day Hurricane Ike blew through the midwest). Stood up in my sister's wedding (in Indianapolis). Joined the Stonewall Brigade Band. :-)

October: Went flying in a small plane around the Shenandoah Valley. Hiked one of the tallest mountains in Virginia.

November: Drove back to Illinois for Thanksgiving to see my family and friends in Illinois.

December: Flew home for Christmas vacation to spend time with family and friends in Illinois.

2008 was busy and eventful. I'm excited to see what 2009 will bring. Resolutions might come to me in the next week or so. If they do, I'll post them (it makes them more real if other people know about them). Happy new year!

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