Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Steward of my Singleness

I've been meaning to blog about what I've been learning in regards to relationships. More specifically, dating relationships. Don't get excited, I'm not in one *smile*, but I've been doing a lot of thinking, praying, reading and studying about dating relationships and, in turn, marriage.  There are many thoughts that I have about this topic, but they are all jumbled up in my head and I'm not an expert by any means (my last relationship was over 4 years ago...). I just have some thoughts.

I'm not going to write them down here just yet. What I am going to do, though, is write about how I can be using this time of singleness that I have right now to prepare myself for the future. Not that I'm wasting away this time waiting until I "arrive" at married/family life, but things that I can do now that will help my future life whether or not I end up married.

1. Finances:
  • I need to start a budget and stick to it. I've piddled around with budgeting tools, but I haven't found something that I have sat down and taken the time to plan out everything and make a smart budget to go from. 
  • I need start being more disciplined with keeping my checkbook up to date. With debit card transactions, it's easy to forget to write something down and then only notice when the bank statement is ready. It's a discipline that I need to start making a priority
2. Meals:
  • One huge priority for me is learning how to plan a menu and stick to it. Do the grocery shopping on the weekend so I have everything I need for the week, and then make the meals! It works even better if I can do some of the prep work the night before so that when I come home at night I just need to stick it in the oven or pan.
  • Eating out less. This could go under the budget item, too...I just feel like it's such a waste of money!
3. Maintaining a household:
  • Set a schedule for cleaning, whether it's one day per week that is devoted to cleaning the apt. from top to bottom or smaller chores each day of the week. There needs to be a schedule, and it needs to be a discipline. I have seen how I can become lazy about it and not dust for weeks at a time...if I can't do it in a small apartment, what happens when I have a house? Or 2 kids running around?
There are plenty more things I could add to this list, I'm sure. These are the ones I'm actually working on right now. These are the ones I want people to keep me accountable for. This is where I'd like to see growth. There are other, internal things I'm working on along these lines, too...maybe those will be in another post.

For those who are interested, here's my (proposed) menu for the week: (not good on the eating out category...still working on that one *smile*)
Saturday - Baked chicken, spaghetti squash, salad
Sunday - pork chops, Romano Potatoes, salad
Monday - chicken & broccoli ring, salad
Tuesday - probably fast food or leftovers, orchestra rehearsal 7 - 9:30
Wednesday -  pizza, salad
Thursday - dinner with Lacey's parents or out on my Richmond overnight
Friday - will be in Chicago eating a fancy dinner at the Westin Hotel for my Dad's Inauguration (Illinois Optometric Association)


Unknown said...

I have never really kept a budget. I've found that it's less stressful just to make sure I have more money in my accounts month-over-month. Aside from vacations or in December, it is never an issue anymore; but on the occasion my balances went down I would look at all my transactions in detail and figure out what happened (typically too much eating out). For me, it is less stressful than debating whether one extra night out will put me over budget and leaves me freedom to splurge when I want since I am disciplined enough not to overindulge.

lensing87 said...

do you have a crockpot? Chili and/or soup would smell great coming home after work. I've even made meatloaf, ham, or chicken in it. let me know if you need some reciepes.

Jessica said...


I'd LOVE recipes. *smile* They are a lifesaver. I do have a crockpot, but not the big kind...I always remember after I start putting things in (from a recipe) that it's not 4qts...maybe 2-3?